Human Resources Management Minor

Human Resources Management Minor

以下是辅修人力资源管理专业的必修课程. For an overview of this program, see 业务 Degrees.

BUSAD 2500 Principles of Management (3小时)

An introduction to management theory and practice. 学生探索管理的历史和管理人员运作的环境. 课堂讨论的重点是计划的基本管理功能, 组织, 领先的, and controlling.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Power Thread
BUSAD 3000 Organizational Behavior (3小时)

本课程为理解组织内的行为提供了一个概念性框架. 学生在个人、团体和组织层面探索行为. 分析单元包括个性、领导力、冲突、动机、权力和政治.
前提条件:BUSAD 2500《十大网络娱乐平台排名》成绩达到C-或以上,或经导师许可.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

BUSAD 3200 Human Resource Management (3小时)

深入研究当前人力资源管理的政策和问题. Subjects include human resource planning, 招聘, 选择, 培训, management development, 补偿, 纪律, labor relations, equal employment opportunity laws/regulations, and human resource management policies.
(Normally offered each semester.)

BUSAD 3600 Negotiation (3小时)

This course presents the fundamentals of business negotiation, 各种谈判风格和语境的策略和战术, 除了…之外, individual differences and negotiation across cultures. Negotiation principles are analyzed through readings, 情况下, class discussion, 演讲, and guest speakers. 课程中通过各种谈判练习提供了这些原则的应用.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

BUSAD 4100 Advanced Human Resource Management (3小时)

Labor legislation, 劳动的趋势, 并探讨了许多有争议的当代人力资源管理问题. 本课程采用案例教学法,并结合讲座和与当前人事问题和趋势相关的选定主题进行一般性讨论. 所使用的案例旨在展示学生运用健全的人力资源管理概念和原则,为复杂的当代问题找到有效可行的解决方案的能力.
先决条件:BUSAD 3200人力资源管理成绩C-或以上.

BUSAD 4600 业务 Ethics (3小时)

本课程探讨在现代商业舞台上发现的伦理问题和道德困境. 研究组织的经济绩效与其社会义务之间的冲突. 讨论了各种经济理论、法律法规和哲学学说. Contemporary Western moral philosophy, historic and contemporary Christian ethics, and social theory provide a context for the course. Case studies are integrated throughout the semester.

(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Justice Thread
BUSAD 2500 Principles of Management (3小时)

An introduction to management theory and practice. 学生探索管理的历史和管理人员运作的环境. 课堂讨论的重点是计划的基本管理功能, 组织, 领先的, and controlling.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Power Thread
COMM 2400 Communication and Leadership (4小时)

Students will explore components of 领导 theory, 技能, 和行为, 并将检查和实践有效的沟通行为有关的领导过程和角色.

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Power Thread
COMM 3700 Organizational Communication (4小时)

学生将探索沟通的理论和实践在组织背景下的交集. 特别强调的是理解组织内部和组织之间的权力是如何被社会塑造和塑造的. 主题包括身份、权力、全球化、技术和道德.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, COMM 2300通信理论和COMM 3500研究方法或导师的许可.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Power Thread
COMM 4100 Communication in the Professions (4小时)

学生将为各种交流环境和听众创作和发表演讲. 面试和小组解决问题的技巧也将得到发展.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and instructor permission.
(Normally offered each semester.)

COMM 4101 Communication in the Professions (3小时)

学生将为各种交流环境和听众设计和制作演讲. 实践技能和理论见解都将得到提高.  学生将完成与他们的专业兴趣相关的主要项目.

ECON 3510 Labor 经济学 (3小时)

对劳动理论和劳动力的分析,包括对职业工资差异的考察, women in the labor force, investment in human capital, racial discrimination in employment, and the impact of labor unions.
前提条件:ECON 1540微观经济原理的成绩为“C-”或以上,或导师许可.

1010年心理学 Introduction to Psychological Science (4小时)

心理科学导论课程将通过综合心理学的这些领域,使学生以学习者为中心的方法来研究行为和心理过程科学:科学探究, 生物心理学, 发展, 和学习, Sociocultural Context, Individual Variations, and Applications of Psychological Science.
This is not a First Year Writing Course.

1010年心理学FYW Introduction to Psychological Science (4小时)

心理科学导论课程将通过综合心理学的这些领域,使学生以学习者为中心的方法来研究行为和心理过程科学:科学探究, 生物心理学, 发展, 和学习, Sociocultural Context, Individual Variations, and Applications of Psychological Science.
(Normally offered every fall and spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year Writing
PSYCH 2500 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (4小时)

将科学方法和心理学原理应用于工业和组织行为. Topics include job analysis, personnel 选择, performance appraisal, assessment validity, the legal context for personnel decisions, work motivation, 工作态度, 领导, and occupational health. 这门学科的最终目标是最大限度地提高员工福利和组织效率.

PSYCH 3200 Psychological Testing (4小时)

An introduction to the theory, 建设, 政府, and interpretation of standardized psychological tests. Tests considered include IQ assessments, general interest surveys, personality inventories, and projective techniques. 测试和测量的一般方法和统计问题也包括在内.
Recommended: PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics.

SOC 3520 Group Dynamics (4小时)

Since all social interaction takes place in groups, 本课程向学生介绍小组结构和互动的基本原则. 学生在整个学期参加小组活动,以研究和反思群体的功能和影响个人行为和身份的方式. 主题,如目标,凝聚力,沟通,冲突和领导进行了调查.
Prerequisite(s): SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology.
(Normally offered every other year.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread